
For SimulateCNVs’ updated version: SECNVs 2.3, please click here.

Maintainer: Yue “July” Xing
Author: Yue “July” Xing
Version: 1.0
Date: 06/27/2018


A tool for simulating CNVs for WES or WGS data. It simulates rearranged genomes, short reads (fastq) and bam files as desired by the user. There are several ways and distributions to choose from to generate desired CNVs.


No installation required. Simply type the following and it will be ready to use:

git clone

Or manually download the source codes here.


Usage [-h] -Type {g,e} -G GENOME_FILE [-T TARGET_REGION_FILE]
                [-e_cnv TARGET_CNV_LIST] [-e_chr TARGET_CNV_CHR] 
                [-e_tol TARGET_CNV_TOL] [-e_cl TARGET_CNV_LEN_FILE]
                [-o_cnv OUT_CNV_LIST] [-o_chr OUT_CNV_CHR] 
                [-o_tol OUT_CNV_TOL] [-o_cl OUT_CNV_LEN_FILE] 
                [-ol OVERLAP_BPS] [-g_cnv GENOME_CNV_LIST] 
                [-g_chr GENOME_CNV_CHR] [-g_tol GENOME_CNV_TOL]
                [-g_cl GENOME_CNV_LEN_FILE] [-em] 
                [-min_len CNV_MIN_LENGTH] [-max_len CNV_MAX_LENGTH]
                [-min_cn MIN_COPY_NUMBER] [-max_cn MAX_COPY_NUMBER]
                [-p PROPORTION_INS] [-f MIN_FLANKING_LEN]
                [-ms {random,uniform,gauss}] [-ml {random,uniform,gauss,user}]
                [-c COVERAGE] [-fs FRAG_SIZE] [-s STDEV] 
                [-l READ_LENGTH] [-tf TARGET_REGION_FLANK] [-pr]
                [-q_min MIN_BASE_QUALITY] [-q_max MAX_BASE_QUALITY]
                [-clr CONNECT_LEN_BETWEEN_REGIONS]
                [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-rn REARRANGED_OUTPUT_NAME] [-n NUM_SAMPLES] 
                [-sc] [-ssr] [-sb] [-picard PATH_TO_PICARD] [-GATK PATH_TO_GATK]


Optional arguments:

Parameter Default value Explanation Restrictions
-h, –help - show this help message and exit -

Mandatory arguments:

Parameter Default value Explanation Restrictions
-Type {g,e} - simulation for WGS or WES -
-G GENOME_FILE - Reference genome FASTA file -

Arguments for simulating rearranged genomes for WES data:

Parameter Default value Explanation Restrictions  
-T TARGET_REGION_FILE - Target region file Must be used and can only be used with WES simulation. -
-e_cnv TARGET_CNV_LIST - A user-defined list of CNVs overlapping with target regions One and only one of -e_cnv, -e_chr, -e_tol and -e_cl can be used with WES simulation to generate CNVs overlapping with target regions.
If -e_cnv is provided, -em, -f, -ms, -ml, -ol, -min_cn, -max_cn, -min_len and -max_len will be ignored for CNVs overlapping with target regions.
-e_chr TARGET_CNV_CHR - Number of CNVs overlapping with target regions to be generated on each chromosome Same as above.  
-e_tol TARGET_CNV_TOL - Total number of CNVs overlapping with target regions to be generated across the genome (an estimate) Same as above.  
-e_cl TARGET_CNV_LEN_FILE - User supplied file of CNV length for CNVs overlapping with target regions Must be used with -ml user. Can’t be used with -o_cnv, -o_chr and -o_tol. Otherwise same as above.  
-o_cnv OUT_CNV_LIST - A user-defined list of CNVs outside of target regions One and only one of -o_cnv, -o_chr, -o_tol and -o_cl can be used with WES simulation to generate CNVs outside of target regions.
. If -o_cnv is provided, -em, -f, -ms, -ml, -ol, -min_cn, -max_cn, -min_len and -max_len will be ignored for CNVs outside of target regions.
-o_chr OUT_CNV_CHR - Number of CNVs outside of target regions to be generated on each chromosome Same as above.  
-o_tol OUT_CNV_TOL - Total number of CNVs outside of target regions to be generated across the genome (an estimate) Same as above.  
-o_cl OUT_CNV_LEN_FILE - User supplied file of CNV length for CNVs outside of target regions Must be used with -ml user. Can’t be used with -e_cnv, -e_chr and -e_tol. Otherwise same as above.  
-ol OVERLAP_BPS 100 For each CNV overlapping with target regions, number of minimum overlapping bps Can only be used with WES simulation.  

Arguments for simulating rearranged genomes for WGS data:

Parameter Default value Explanation Restrictions
-g_cnv GENOME_CNV_LIST - A user-defined list of CNVs outside of target regions One and only one of -g_cnv, -g_chr, -g_tol and -g_cl can be used with WGS simulation to generate CNVs.
-g_chr GENOME_CNV_CHR - Number of CNVs overlapping with target regions to be generated on each chromosome Same as above.
-g_tol GENOME_CNV_TOL - Total number of CNVs overlapping with target regions to be generated across the genome (an estimate) Same as above.
-g_cl GENOME_CNV_LEN_FILE - User supplied file of CNV length Same as above.

General arguments for simulating rearranged genomes with CNVs:

Parameter Default value Explanation Restrictions
-em - Exclude missing sequences for CNV simulation -
-min_len CNV_MIN_LENGTH 1000 Minimum CNV length in bps -
-max_len CNV_MAX_LENGTH 100000 Maximum CNV length in bps -
-min_cn MIN_COPY_NUMBER 2 Minimum copy number for insertions -
-max_cn MAX_COPY_NUMBER 10 Maximum copy number for insertions -
-p PROPORTION_INS 0.5 Proportion of insertions -
-f MIN_FLANKING_LEN 50 Minimum length between each CNV -
-ms {random,uniform,gauss} random Distribution of CNVs -
-ml {random,uniform,gauss,user} random Distribution of CNV length -ml user must be used with -e_cl and/or -o_cl. If -ml user is used, -min_len and -max_len will be ignored.

Arguments for simulating short reads (fastq):

Parameter Default value Explanation Restrictions
-c COVERAGE 20 Fold coverage on target regions to be generated for each genome -
-fs FRAG_SIZE 100 Mean fragment size to be generated -
-s STDEV 20 Standard deviation of fragment sizes -
-l READ_LENGTH 50 Read length of each short read -
-tf TARGET_REGION_FLANK 0 Length of flanking region up and down stream of target regions to be sequenced -tf takes place after -clr (target regions are first connected per request of the user, and then flanking regions up and down stream of target regions are included for sequencing). Only works with WES simulation.
-pr - Select if paired-end sequencing For paired-end sequencing, must use the option -pr. If using single-end sequencing, mean fragment size (-fs) and standard deviation of fragment size (-s) will be ignored.
-q_min MIN_BASE_QUALITY 0 Minimum base quality for short reads simulation -
-q_max MAX_BASE_QUALITY 80 Maximum base quality for short reads simulation -
-clr CONNECT_LEN_BETWEEN_REGIONS - Maximum length bwtween target regions to connect the target regions -tf takes place after -clr (target regions are first connected per request of the user, and then flanking regions up and down stream of target regions are included for sequencing). Only works with WES simulation.

Arguments for other simulation parameters:

Parameter Default value Explanation Restrictions
-o OUTPUT_DIR simulation_output Output directory Will be generated if not exist.
-rn REARRANGED_OUTPUT_NAME test Prefix of the rearranged outputs Do not include directory name.
-n NUM_SAMPLES 1 Number of test samples to be generated Must be >= 1.
-sc - Simulation for control genome -
-ssr - Simulate short reads (fastq) files If the final output is bam file(s), must first simulate short reads (-ssr) and then bam (-sb).
-sb - Simulate bam files Same as above.
-picard PATH_TO_PICARD - Absolute path to picard If the final output is bam file(s) (using -ssr and -sb), must provide absolute paths to picard and GATK.
-GATK PATH_TO_GATK - Absolute path to GATK Same as above.


  1. Sequence of a reference genome in fasta format. Anything after “_” or “ “ at header line will be ignored.
  2. For WES simulation, a tab delimited file of target regions in the order of chromosome, start and end. Header should not be included. Chromosome name should strictly match chromosome name in (1). Target regions should be sorted in ascending order.
  3. For -e_cnv, -o_cnv and g_cnv, a tab delimited file generated by SimulateCNVs, in the order of chromosome, start, end, length and copy number. Header should be included. Chromosome name should strictly match chromosome name in (1).
  4. For -e_cl, -o_cl and -g_cl, a tab delimited file of desired CNV lengths in the order of chromosome, CNV length and number of CNV of that length. Header should not be included. Chromosome name should strictly match chromosome name in (1).


  1. Rearranged genome(s) (fasta)
    Target regions for rearranged genome(s) (bed, if WES simulation)
    Control genome (fasta, if -sc is chosen)
    Target regions for control (bed, if WES simulation. Always generated in case -clr is chosen to make changes to target regions)
  2. List(s) of CNVs overlapping with target regions (bed, if WES simulation)
    List(s) of CNVs outside of target regions (bed, if chosen to generate CNVs outside of target regions in WES simulation)
    List(s) of CNVs across the genome (bed, if WGS simulation)
  3. Short reads for rearranged genome(s) (fastq, if -ssr is chosen)
    Short reads for control genome(s) (fastq, if -sc and -ssr is chosen)
  4. Indexes for the control genome (.dict, .fai, .sa, etc., if -ssr and -sb is chosen and no indexes exist in the output directory)
  5. Bam file(s) and index(es) for rearranged genome(s) (bam and bai, if -ssr and -sb is chosen)
    Bam file(s) and index(es) for control genome (bam and bai, if -sc, -ssr and -sb is chosen)


Simulation for WGS and WES data is similar. WES simulation, however, need more parameter settings.

WGS data simulation:

  1. Simulate 10 CNVs of length 1 kb to 10 kb on each chromosome randomly, and at least 100 bps between each 2 CNVs. Don’t generate CNVs on missing sequences. Make a pair of test and control genomes.
    SimulateCNVs/ -Type g -G <input_fasta> -o <output_dir> \
                               -g_chr 10 -sc -min_len 1000 -max_len 10000 -f 100 -em
  2. Simulate approximately 100 CNVs of length 1 kb to 10 kb on the whole genome, 30% of which are insertions, and at least 200 bps between each 2 CNVs. CNV start points and CNV lengths both follow gauss distribution. Generate CNVs on missing sequences. Make 10 test samples with prefix “test_wgs” and does not make any control. Make bam files as final output. Single-end sequencing is used.
    SimulateCNVs/ -Type g -G <input_fasta> -o <output_dir>  -g_tol 100 -p 0.3 \
                               -min_len 1000 -max_len 10000 -f 200 -ms gauss -ml gauss -ssr -sb \
                               -n 10 -rn test_wgs -picard <absolute_path_to_picard> \
                               -GATK < absolute_path_to_GATK>
  3. Distribution of CNV lengths are user provided. CNV start points follow uniform distribution. The copy numbers range from 5 to 15 for insertions. Don’t generate CNVs on missing sequences. Make a pair of test and control. Make short reads (fastq) file as final output using paired-end sequencing, 40 fold coverage, 100 bp read length, mean fragment size 300 bp and standard deviation of mean fragment size 10.
    SimulateCNVs/ -Type g -G <input_fasta> -o <output_dir> \
                               -ml user -g_cl <CNV length file> -min_cn 5 -max_cn 15 \
                               -em -ms uniform -sc -pr -ssr -c 40 -fs 300 -s 10 -l 100

WES data simulation:

  1. Simulate 10 CNVs overlapping with exons (target regions), and 1 CNV outside of exons randomly on each chromosome using default lengths, copy numbers, minimum distance between each of the 2 CNVs and proportion of insertions. For each CNV overlapping with exons, the overlapping length is not less than 90 bps. CNV start points and lengths follow gauss distribution. Don’t generate CNVs on missing sequences. Make 5 test samples and control. Generate short reads (fastq) files by default settings, using paired-end sequencing.
    SimulateCNVs/ -Type e -G <input_fasta> -T <target_region> -o <output_dir> \
                               -e_chr 10 -o_chr 1 -ol 90 -ms gauss -ml gauss -em -n 5 -sc -pr -ssr
  2. Simulate CNVs overlapping with exons from the provided CNV list. Simulate approximately 20 CNVs outside of exons randomly on the whole genome with default settings. For CNVs outside of exons, don’t generate CNVs on missing sequences. Make a pair of test and control genome.
    SimulateCNVs/ -Type e -G <input_fasta> -T <target_region> -o <output_dir> \
                               -e_cnv <list_of_CNV_overlapping_with_exons> -o_tol 20 -em -sc 
  3. Simulate approximately 20 CNVs overlapping with exons on the whole genome, and at least 100 bps between each 2 CNVs. Don’t generate CNVs outside of exons. Don’t generate CNVs on missing sequences. Paired-end sequencing, with minimum base quality is 20 and maximum base quality is 60. Make a pair of test and control. The final outputs are bam files.
    SimulateCNVs/ -Type e -G <input_fasta> -T <target_region> -o <output_dir> \
                               -e_tol 20 -f 100 -em -sc -pr -q_min 20 -q_max 60 -ssr -sb \
                               -picard <absolute_path_to_picard> -GATK <absolute_path_to_GATK>
  4. Simulate CNVs overlapping with exons and outside of exons from provided files of CNV lengths. If the length between 2 target regions are smaller than 100 bps, connect them as 1 target region. Don’t generate CNVs on missing sequences. Make 10 test samples and control. Use paired-end sequencing; sequence 50 bp up and down stream of the target regions (after connecting the target regions) as well. The final output is short reads (fastq) files with coverage of 40.
    SimulateCNVs/ -Type e -G <input_fasta> -T <target_region> -o <output_dir> \
                               -ml user -e_cl <length_file_1> -o_cl <length_file_2> \
                               -clr 100 -em -n 10 -sc -pr -tf 50 -f 40 -ssr

Maintainer: Yue “July” Xing
Author: Yue “July” Xing
Version: 1.0
Date: 06/27/2018


A small program to fix genomes which have too many ‘N’s to generate desired CNVs. It replaces all ‘N’s in the genome sequence to ‘A’s, ‘T’s, ‘G’s, or ‘C’s randomly.


It is included in the package of SimulateCNVs.


Python 2.7



-h: help
-i: input genome sequence in fasta format
-o output genome sequence in fasta format